reuko da melt nn mamat nieyhhh!

yeah men!! so cute!! ryeowook! i fall in lupx wit u meyhhh..
comeyh2....ske dgr dy nyanyi..him from my fav k-pop group....

cute kn?? reuko pnyer nyhh...ase na gigit2 jahh dea..
coz comeyhh cgt nahh..
hee...him lha wt yg reuko mint nn korean..
hee..tengss alott to ryeowook
byk artis2 korea comeyh~ 
but ryeowook lg cun gituu!!
heee sukesukesuke..

tengss for reading..
reuko nikida...
coretan ati ke hatii kuhh...!

thax for reading syg :D HAHA! suke dok? kalu suke jgn segan2 like..

lolz! na dktt da nyhh....suspen..

heyy...examm da na dkt weyy...nerbess nyhh...
hahah...da lerr asykk maenn jaa...dkt skula maen...blekk uma maenn..u know that i'm loves on9 fb
kihkih^^ aperr lerr...spatot nya kneww star d..kennn?? like thiss wooo..

da xlme ag plakk na cutyy...ohhhnooo...msty rnduee glewww na jmpe kwn2 aquuhh...hee...
uerrmmm...wk2 cutyy msty bosn wa ckp lu .
btoii kenn?? na g ts?? tdakk heyy..stil young nyhh..hheee
( tipu sunadd da lerr.)
hee...cun rrr monkey ats tuuee...btoi dakk?? cm owg yg bce nyhh..ken2?? hee
soryy to ja nahh... da naek buhsn bwt ap ea??
hurmm..mlas~ 2 ler keja denn nty bilerr cutyy! hee..:)..that all lha..ttaw na tlis pa dahh nyhh..

coretann ikhlas drii reuko nikida?? ikhls kerr? cm ta jahh..:P..butt...teng for read this..syunk kowg!
thax for reading syg :D HAHA! suke dok? kalu suke jgn segan2 like..

kayy..its time for me..
skidit sbyak ttg dri admin^^
 i'm kyrah / u all can call me reuko ...heeh..i like that name somuchdamn!
i'm jez sweet13 young? i don't care..
hee..i love drawing...
anime character is my fav <3
kayy..that all..about meyy..hope u all enjoy reading ''my comot blog''
n nk ambk ksempatan siktt..lwat lha blog kwn baek sye ..shyqa nme dea..bff4eva!

wit love...reuko nikida..

thax for reading syg :D HAHA! suke dok? kalu suke jgn segan2 like..

susah nyaa ...

thax for reading syg :D HAHA! suke dok? kalu suke jgn segan2 like..

muahahah ^^ peacee =) first post neyhh...adeyyhhh...tataw na tlis paa...but wanna say..hellow u allz...!! ... was amazing thing that i wanna shown utk korg smuee..
heee..this!! like! missusomuchdamn...tgk tuuuu..
comeyhh dakk?? he my BEZ BUDDY IN THE WORLD..
ceee =) perfect ex boyy...hee
his lovely gf wawa...hee..s
weet cple lha korg...
sonox derrr tgk dpe a prince wit his princesss...kihkih...
almost love together ...hahah..
but one thing jee reuko na ckp nyhh...putra wit wawa..bez cpel in THE WORLD..sweeett gituu...

this cuteee....

thax for reading syg :D HAHA! suke dok? kalu suke jgn segan2 like..

huh...ta boleyhh pugg!! grr

    huh!!!! ...bitch btoii ehhh!!! da try ta bole unnn...ap nyhh?? nyhh  na angry nyh....penad brjam2 wt..last2 boleyhh plakk ta jdikk!! errrrkkk...
thax for reading syg :D HAHA! suke dok? kalu suke jgn segan2 like..